Assessment Framework: Feedback & Evaluation, Dissemination, and GHG Emission Reductions

The Assessment Framework includes a total of 34 action areas organized into 6 categories (agenda setting/strategies, policy/plan formulation, implementation, feedback/evaluation, dissemination, GHG emissions). The Assessment Framework tries to represent climate-related actions undertaken at any given moment by a local government (LG) as either incremental, transitional or transformative. Zooming out to the level of the assessment categories allows the user to assess, along thematic lines, where (and how) things are changing in local government GHG emissions, policy, planning or operations. Assessment categories reflect local government mandates to undertake strategic plans, regulate and operate internally. The assessment criteria have been informed by key concepts embedded in social practice theories, multi-level perspective, and socio-ecological systems thinking.

Click on the Assessment column to read more about each one. Bolded titles refer to the 6 categories, while the numbered headings refer to areas where local governments can engage in climate action. Note that there are four tables in total, with the first three showing one category per table, and the last grouping together 3 categories.

Local Government Climate Action Assessment Framework
Action Areas Incremental Actions Reformative Actions Transformative Actions
Feedback and Evaluation

1. Outcome measurement

No metrics identified, and hence policy impacts left unmeasured. Community GHG emissions inventory (infrequently) available and at a level of aggregation that fails to permit objective policy evaluation. Metrics agreed upon; these monitored and reported on regularly; emission inventories are disaggregated sufficiently to permit fine-grained policy evaluations.

2. Performance monitoring and evaluation

No quantifiable metrics to measure policy performance or recommend policy adjustments; irregular inventories available to provide distance to emissions reduction target. Qualitative policy performance metrics available but not linked to GHG reductions. Inventories more frequent & fine-grained allowing for more frequent policy adjustments. Evaluation / reporting req'ts on performance established; progress to target and deadlines reported regularly; quantifiable measurements linked to implementatin of policies.

3. Indicators

No indicators, beyond CARIP reporting and the provincial CEEI, exist. LG does CARIP reporting and undertakes own community GHG inventory to help assess climate progress. LG does CARIP reporting and has developed clear set of climate indicators; these are monitored, measured and reported on annually, and results fed into policy review processes.

1. Information sharing / learning

Information silos exist with little sharing between dept's or with / between external networks / experts. Learning limited to formal staff training, and informal exchanges neighbouring LGs. Climate knowledge found beyond climate / sustianbility staff in other dept's as sharing / dissemination encouraged. Best practice networks referenced by staff in policy development process. All dept's actively engaged in internal/external sharing networks; influence of lessons learned and best practice high among staff; climate principles well embedded in dept mandates.

2. Sharing networks - Policy and Research

LG relies on existing thematic networks (e.g. waste, water, parks, development, etc.) to share and receive climate-related best practice advice / information. LG is member of one network dedicated to exchange of climate-related best practice. This information is used by the environment or sustainability department only. LG is member of several networks (at various geog scales); uses these to learn best practice and disseminate local lessons learned; all climate-relevant dep'ts engaged in process.
GHG Emission Reductions

1. Corporate emissions target

No corporate target for energy or emissions; corporate carbon neutrality target under Climate Action Charter. Target set, at least in line with percentages, baseline and dates outlined in Provincial targets (e.g. 30% by 2020, 80% by 2050, below 2007 levels). Carbon neutral target set (via offsets). Energy target set (100% renewables for city operations by 2030) as well as carbon neutral operations (predominantly via internal reductions, renewables and fuel switching).

2. Absolute change in corporate GHGs (between years 2010 and 2015)

X is less than 5% reduction X is greater than 5%, less than 10% X is greater than 10%

3. % change in per capita emissions (between years 2010 and 2015)

X is less than 5% reduction X is greater than 5%, less than 10% X is greater than 10%

Previous table: Implementation

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